Saturday 22 September 2007

The fish blanket stalled again!

My fish knitting had to be put aside to make Millie her school cardigans as she is too little for the smallest size available. She is built like a stick with a 21" chest. They are both desperately trying not to pull a funny face here. Aaah!

I also received my invitation to join Ravelry.

I am gutted that my tesellated fish pattern I unvented my own self with great influence from has been hijacked by XRX publications, but as I have never seen that pattern until this evening, I am going to post mine here. I cannot see from photos available how similar our 2 patterns actually are, but it is the third time something I have made ends up as someone else's published design.

I would argue that we are all influenced by the same things & arrive at the same designs at the same time. It does mean that I get to wear the item as it hits the news stands, how cool is that?